Fine article, thank you. I’m less confident than you are, however, that more and more Americans are seeing through the empire. From where I sit in northern Virginia, more and more ordinary Americans are pretty cool with the notion of territorial expansion - IF it makes gas cheaper and the USA “greater”. In short, you identify three cretins: you’re around 250 million out.

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Americans are famous for many things. Chief among those things is their political ignorance. Second is their trust that mainstream media is telling them the truth. Third, they are the most propagandized people on earth. It is a disease with a long history. For so long the United States was isolated from the rest of the world, even through WWII, never invaded, never bombed to smithereens, cushioned by two oceans. Always told about how "exceptional" they and their country were. It was all bullshit, of course.

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Another is their lack of caring about what their government does in their name, no matter how horrible the deeds.

And politicians lying (often by omission) and acting in almost embarrassingly corrupt ways has been completely normalized in US society. That includes many continuing to blindly respect these people.

No wonder the US is in serious trouble.

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Ouch indeed. I would like to believe you are wrong...

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Many years ago It was suggested the best we might expect is a benevolent despot. As it is now I would settle for one that sane.

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Even that bar appears to be too high.

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