When I was a college sophomore, the Vietnam War was just getting big. A group of university professors went traveling all over the US holding 'Teach-ins' on college campuses to tell the real story of Vietnam. The difference between their teaching and the media narrative was stark, almost as if they were different wars.

The next year I went to Madrid to study Spanish (Curso de Estúdios Hispánicos para Extranjersos), and even though fascist Franco was still in power, the press was remarkably free about foreign affairs, and their stories corroborated that of the Teach-In. I learned that Vietnam was a lie told by President Johnson, promoted by the US media. I have never believed a word from corporate media since.

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I really believe that the word "anti-Semitic" should be removed from all discussion of Israel and the Zionists there. It is nonsense to pretend that the descendants of east European invaders then white immigrants from anywhere in the world are "Semitic" when they occupy an area of real Semitic people and treat them with complete cruelty and refusal to contemplate any sharing, let alone rights to their own land. People do not "hate Zionists" because they are Jews but because they are liars, thieves and murderers .

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