I really believe that the word "anti-Semitic" should be removed from all discussion of Israel and the Zionists there. It is nonsense to pretend that the descendants of east European invaders then white immigrants from anywhere in the world are "Semitic" when they occupy an area of real Semitic people and treat them with complete cruelty and refusal to contemplate any sharing, let alone rights to their own land. People do not "hate Zionists" because they are Jews but because they are liars, thieves and murderers .
When I was a college sophomore, the Vietnam War was just getting big. A group of university professors went traveling all over the US holding 'Teach-ins' on college campuses to tell the real story of Vietnam. The difference between their teaching and the media narrative was stark, almost as if they were different wars.
The next year I went to Madrid to study Spanish (Curso de Estúdios Hispánicos para Extranjersos), and even though fascist Franco was still in power, the press was remarkably free about foreign affairs, and their stories corroborated that of the Teach-In. I learned that Vietnam was a lie told by President Johnson, promoted by the US media. I have never believed a word from corporate media since.
The scales fell from my eyes when I read Chomsky and Herman's book, "Manufacturing Consent." I rarely read the footnotes in a book, and “Manufacturing Consent” is full of them.
But for me the footnotes in that book were as important as the text, as they explained how the media, the press, was used to alter, to corrupt, to undermine our understanding of the world. It was a shocking experience as I read illustration after illustration of how it was done.
And of how it is still being done, as Patrick Lawrence’s excellent article reminds us.
very, admirably, strong, Patrick. The bottom line in this odious tyranny that rules The West, with its governments owned by billionaire Zionist Jews, is that Capitalism, bloody and rampant, cannot permit free thought and never will.
The world, crushed and exploited and murdered by Capitalism, by its tiny, sick and vicious financial panjandrums, will, and is beginning to, muster for a violent storm that will destroy them.
In September of 1947 president Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act thus establishing the CIA. Less than a year later, in June of 1948 publication of George Orwell’s 1984. Coincidence, happy accident? For the newly minted three lettered agency it did not matter. For the demos Orwells dystopia was a cautionary tale. For the spooks, a how to manual. And so here we are.
The US can be an empire or a democracy. It cannot be both. As the US empire steadily erodes, driven to ruin by the self delusion and moral depravity of an unaccountable oligarchy, every democratic institution is irredeemably corrupted. It cannot be otherwise.
While reading early on in this press indictment, I felt that there had to be a similar ongoing process for Russia, a process that you well covered in your conclusion. Though I have no journalistic experience, I do have experience with the intelligence agencies and academia with a specialty in Russian studies where I have found that there are many vectors for this propaganda project through various countries' emigres which promote their own interests in stoking the misinformation and demonization and .. applies not just to Russia, but Venezuela, Iraq, Cuba, China etc., etc. and the influence is employed not just by the so-called news media but academia and the entertainment industry.
I really believe that the word "anti-Semitic" should be removed from all discussion of Israel and the Zionists there. It is nonsense to pretend that the descendants of east European invaders then white immigrants from anywhere in the world are "Semitic" when they occupy an area of real Semitic people and treat them with complete cruelty and refusal to contemplate any sharing, let alone rights to their own land. People do not "hate Zionists" because they are Jews but because they are liars, thieves and murderers .
When I was a college sophomore, the Vietnam War was just getting big. A group of university professors went traveling all over the US holding 'Teach-ins' on college campuses to tell the real story of Vietnam. The difference between their teaching and the media narrative was stark, almost as if they were different wars.
The next year I went to Madrid to study Spanish (Curso de Estúdios Hispánicos para Extranjersos), and even though fascist Franco was still in power, the press was remarkably free about foreign affairs, and their stories corroborated that of the Teach-In. I learned that Vietnam was a lie told by President Johnson, promoted by the US media. I have never believed a word from corporate media since.
The scales fell from my eyes when I read Chomsky and Herman's book, "Manufacturing Consent." I rarely read the footnotes in a book, and “Manufacturing Consent” is full of them.
But for me the footnotes in that book were as important as the text, as they explained how the media, the press, was used to alter, to corrupt, to undermine our understanding of the world. It was a shocking experience as I read illustration after illustration of how it was done.
And of how it is still being done, as Patrick Lawrence’s excellent article reminds us.
very, admirably, strong, Patrick. The bottom line in this odious tyranny that rules The West, with its governments owned by billionaire Zionist Jews, is that Capitalism, bloody and rampant, cannot permit free thought and never will.
The world, crushed and exploited and murdered by Capitalism, by its tiny, sick and vicious financial panjandrums, will, and is beginning to, muster for a violent storm that will destroy them.
In September of 1947 president Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act thus establishing the CIA. Less than a year later, in June of 1948 publication of George Orwell’s 1984. Coincidence, happy accident? For the newly minted three lettered agency it did not matter. For the demos Orwells dystopia was a cautionary tale. For the spooks, a how to manual. And so here we are.
The US can be an empire or a democracy. It cannot be both. As the US empire steadily erodes, driven to ruin by the self delusion and moral depravity of an unaccountable oligarchy, every democratic institution is irredeemably corrupted. It cannot be otherwise.
While reading early on in this press indictment, I felt that there had to be a similar ongoing process for Russia, a process that you well covered in your conclusion. Though I have no journalistic experience, I do have experience with the intelligence agencies and academia with a specialty in Russian studies where I have found that there are many vectors for this propaganda project through various countries' emigres which promote their own interests in stoking the misinformation and demonization and .. applies not just to Russia, but Venezuela, Iraq, Cuba, China etc., etc. and the influence is employed not just by the so-called news media but academia and the entertainment industry.