As I was reading it....I am thinking, is this a deja vu? And, of course, it was. I have read it in Sheerpost. Still, I think this and Jacob Seigel’s article should be read a few times! Thank you!

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Thanks for helping to publicize this important work. Of course fascism is different from totalitarianism, but the US government is becoming totalitarian.

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@ Patrick Lawrence 🎯👍

What an excellent beginning of a new day, both a thoughtful introduction to Jacob Seigel's enlightening thesis and access to its source. Thank You both❗

As Usual,


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Free Julian Assange

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

“World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between civilian and military participation.”

Marshal McLuhan, 1964. Notice he used the present tense.

McLuhan said that the western world was suffering an implosion. He said electricity usurped space and time and as such was the extension of our central nervous system globally . He said that after 3000 years of technology exploding our experience of life, we were wholly unprepared for the implosion. The immediate proximity of all humans , all ideas, all voices, all information, (the global village) would send us into insanity, we would be forced to live mythically, embracing our providence, providence of our own making and assume the role of God.

For now the progressives are the problem. Their bigotry against the 70 million Trump voters lead them to align with leviathan. I suspect soon enough, they will realize the error of their way, but it will be too late. The means of control are coming into fruition.

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Somehow a relative (a Blue disciple) got into a Facebook duel with her cousin (a Red disciple) over who "started" the KKK. She called us apoplectic over his assertion that it was Democrats that started the KKK. I can't use the language here "articulated" by her how she "told him off," but she did not like to hear from me that the Southern bigots were Democrats right up until Reagan successfully won their hearts.

I only mention this to say, while we do have people of integrity like Mr. Seigel (and Mr. Lawrence!) to document a clear-eyed version of our history, the preferred version of our narrative trumps truth far more than not. Even in the "good old days" of post WWII public education in which I grew up, I certainly was not taught anywhere near the full version of our history. "Remember the Alamo" sums it up well at one level. Of course, it was also the time of fighting the communists lurking around every corner. If any of our "greatness" and "threats" from without and within has moved the needle an iota to the "good" I can't see it. Post 2016 it has certainly gone very negative. I want to be hopeful for the full account that is available to us ("thanks be to God") by independent media, but mercy--intelligent and dumb alike have outsourced their thinking and don't appear on any road to recovery.

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Props to you.

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If there is any truth to The Iron Law Of Oligarchy, what we are seeing is but a reversion to the mean.

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Yes, Seigel's essay most excellent. That and Jeff Gerth's expose of RussiaGate, the Twitter Files lays bare the delusional corrupt state mainstream journalism has devolved. I first heard of Seigel's article through Useful Idiots. Their podcast, The Duran, the Critical Hour, Consortium News, and several other independent sources including the Scrum keep me grounded in reality, in what's really going on in the world. Thanks for your essay.

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F Lambert, Thanks so much for both links. I will definitely listen to the podcast and I'm appreciative for knowing where Pepe Escobar is posting things these days. I hadn't seen anything from him at Consortium News in a long time. I always read anything he posted. Another that has gone off the radar for me is Danny Sjursen. I got a lot out of his extensive series on US war history that he posted in Truthdig when that was still a thing.

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