Here's Eva's Telegram channel: https://t.me/Reality_Theories

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Unfortunately, as this story makes all too clear, actually reporting on these situations has little to no effect on those perpetuating them. Look how much flak Amnesty International took for its reporting on Ukraine using civilians as shields. To the point of "apologizing," apparently. As well as the recent CBS report on only 30% of the munitions sent to Ukraine actually making it to the front lines. Apparently they have been forced to walk that back as well.

The question becomes, what can be done to undercut these forces, since directly confronting them only seems to empower their bluster even more?

Here is my current take on it;


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Thank you so much for reposting this. Eva Bartlett's reporting is intrepid -- astute, courageous, compassionate, and filled with integrity. She deserves the widest audience possible!

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A Canadian happily ensconced in Canada the last place I would go is Donetsk: Ms Bartlett is courageous. Hatred of Russians is required in elite circles, not optional.

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Sometimes I actually engage with LInkedIn posts to point out some of the inaccuracies in their gung-ho yellow-and-blue propaganda - this report - as horrifying as it is - confirms very much my understanding of what is going on - so thanks PL for posting this from Eva Bartlett! And best wishes to the people of Ukraine's East - and to all the others displaced by the Zelenskiy/US-Nato war! Which did NOT have to take place - and would not have - apart from US WMD makers and their shareholders wanting more profits!

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Good piece to have on The Scrum. However comma I think you've had a number of other journalists on The Scrum Kit KIarenberg comes to mind immediately. My question is: when will the world hold the US to the same standards that the US proclaims the right to hold everybody else to?

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Stand by, my dear Harrison, for more from Kit K.

We are v pleased to have picked up this singular piece. Thanks to readers commenting on it.


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After what Kiev is doing to its alleged Eastern provinces, why in the world would it think, the residents there would ever want to remain a part of Ukraine?

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"We detect a mounting desperation, "

Well if so it has nothing to do with the systematic shelling of civilians in Donbas.

A fundamental point everyone chooses to not mention (not even Eva) is that the Nazis HATE Russian speaking Eastern Russians. That is why they launched the ATO back in 2014 so eagerly. Killing Russians is what some Western Ukrainians do to give them self some sick kind of self-worth.

And of course the US have played on that right from the first plotting of the Maidan coup.

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You make a very important point and thank you for it. That said, Ukraine's soldiers, such as they are, many of them conscripts with almost no training, are being slaughtered by Russian artillery in staggering numbers. Ukraine is losing ever more territory which it has no hope of regaining so that there will be almost nothing left of the country. If indeed anything is left. Desperation is certainly driving some of their actions and decision making. Alexander Mercouris has made this point many times. He's worth a watch on YouTube.

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Soldiers - yes all gone, or rather the few remaining Russian hating nazis are all being held back for future use against Russia (The whole point of the HIMARS is that nazis can taunt Russian speaking civilians from deeper and deeper into rump Ukraine. Anyone who votes for their territory to become part of Russia will be seen as fair game to the Nazis and the US will encourage them to continue the chaos).

But land - Ukraine is massive and Russia has not taken much land. The issue is that Russia demands that Ukraine is run by responsible adults who will not continue the current policy of Suicide by Super Power cop. That won't be simple because US will continue to support the maniacs and will encourage them to back off 50km a year for a decade or two. One solution may be for Poland to take a big chunk of land (they are crazy but not as much).

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Please repost more excellent RT articles like this one as RT is blocked to UK residents.

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Stop the military attacks on Zaporozhye nuclear plant. WHO is objecting?

Europe’s biggest nuclear power plant is under repeated missile attacks by the NATO-backed Kiev regime. Let that appalling fact sink in for a moment. Can anything more criminal and reckless at this time be imagined?

Bear in mind that the very governments (regimes really) responsible for this abysmal situation are the same ones who proclaim “rules-based order” and “liberal democracy”. Evidently, their rhetoric is just a sick facade for totalitarianism and lawlessness.

What is going on is nuclear terrorism by the Nazi-infested Kiev regime and its Western sponsors. The missiles hitting the Zaporozhye nuclear plant (ZNPP) are supplied by the United States and its NATO allies. The power station has been under sustained artillery or drone attack since last week.


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