Alastair Crooke's piece can be found here: https://southfront.org/the-masque-of-pandora/

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The lying is so blatant and explicit now. I suspect many pieces are ghostwritten by various state actors. That isn't anything new, but most people are unaware of the extent that journalism is merely the mouthpiece of the empire.

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Patrick (if I may be so familiar), all this illustrates precisely why you and those other journalists who haven't sold their souls, are so important to humanity. While it's true (at least in my observation) that most Americans, for example, are now so thoroughly brainwashed by the years of misinformation from the western mainstream press that they don't even bother to read anything that hints of contradiction, there is simply no alternative to continuing to put the facts out there for those who just might one day have an epiphany. Thanks for what you do.

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The probable use of butterfly mines by Ukrainian forces is shocking. Thanks for help publicizing the event. But more shocking is the fact that the western media cannot bring themselves to discuss or report it.

If this war ever ends, if the supply of willing Ukrainian young men dries up, if indeed we get out of it without substantial parts of our world being ashes - the Editors of: The Guardian, The Independent, The New Statesman, the BBC in particular - should be named and shamed. Their omissions are crimes against their people, of which I am one.

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I have to say, Patrick, that the reportage in all this points out the farce by way of the negative image. You have much of what you just said and yet that fool Guterres is trying to say that the NPP needs to be demilitarized (even tho' the Russians aren't using it as a base of operations). The Ukrainians just want to get something back for free while they spread banned ordinance around.

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Worse, they want to get back the makings for a dirty bomb.

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Ukrainian Regime Led by Media Darling Volodymyr Zelensky Kidnaps Student Dissidents, Bans Opposition Parties, Shuts Down Independent Media, Commits Egregious War Crimes and Imposes Regressive Labor Laws


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This disconnect from reality is not just relegated to journalism. It now pervades most aspects of Western civilization. We find this proclivity to avoid reality in deference to ideology in areas such as Education, Healthcare, Politics, Entertainment, Scientific Research, etc. As ideology becomes the more pervasive influence over truth, we become increasingly distanced from and immune to the truth. An inability to discern between reality and fantasy is one definition of insanity.

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It is CRUCIAL for us to know the EMBEZZLING SCAM the US has done in all countries it takes over. Read the overview/exposé below - just 6 paragraphs - to see what is behind the curtain of lies they dupe us with. Information is power, and knowing what the scammers hide from us will mean we can do good OFFENSE, be effective in fighting the corrupt liars, not just keep reacting as the sociopaths keep doing their tyranny and taking everything from us.

Here is what the US criminals have done all over the world, since WW2:

1. Take over a country by coup, assassination, lies about government being corrupt or by threat or invasion so they can...

2. Implement their EMBEZZLING scam of "privatization", taking over government services & systems and national assets so the corrupt liars can handle fiat government money & BILL THE GOVERNMENT ANY AMOUNT for running such things; they provide themselves with massive exec salaries and insanely high profits, becoming oligarchs and billionaires.

3. Lie to the public ENDLESSLY to keep us duped.

4. Praise leaders who submit to US corruption & demonize leaders who RESIST or reverse it - like Putin, who reversed the US plundering done under US puppet Yeltsin, like Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela, like Gaddafi wanting things nationalized and government money going to THE PEOPLE, like Morales in Bolivia, like Assad who said NO to a US pipeline through Syria, and so on.

The demonization of both Russia and China is part of the multipronged US sabotage of the BRICS coalition since 2006. The greedy sociopathic money ADDICTS hate that those two countries are doing fair deals with other countries and helping them escape US control, corruption, privatization and loansharking.

Also, vax co's & digital ID systems to control & subjugate us are "privatized" (as are quarantine camps). The scheme was to get TRILLIONS from many govts FOREVER while arranging to squash us so we could never rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity. They tried many pandemics previously to enrich themselves with government money, this was the most coordinated one - and used the most coercion.

More specifics re "privatization" embezzling: Yes, in general a government can issue ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for anything that is physically possible; the corrupt know this and have used that knowledge to scam the public and embezzle government money. They take over government services, conning the public about "saving money" and being "more efficient", but those are lies. The costs actually become higher because the corrupt liars overbill the govt for everything, billing ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and insanely high profits. And they give us REDUCED services, because their sociopathic greed and money addiction means they take more for themselves and do not supply what they are supposed to supply for us.

Basically, the US has built a global corruption cartel, taking over countries (and their media) to EMBEZZLE from their governments. The UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand were coopted and corrupted in the 70s; the massive embezzling that ensued by taking over the many dozens of government services, support systems, assets and resources they had is what gave rise to the billionaire class in the 80s!

We need a successful INTERVENTION on the lunatic money addicts in power who lie, destroy and KILL for more "money fixes". They are totally UNFIT TO GOVERN and should face charges of dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, embezzling federal money, crimes against humanity, war crimes and more.

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Dugin targeted as US-Ukraine shadow wars expand – Aug 23, 2022

https://youtu.be/IBO9UElgi5I – Outstanding Grayzone interview

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An epitaph to journalism, it’s over. Patrick writes so very well, what a pleasure.

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On second thought, it’s not just journalism, Patrick’s article is also about NGOs like amnesty international also capitulating. Something strange is going on.

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Thank you Mr. Lawrence. Sad the state of journalism is in these days. There are those like Eva Bartlett that truth can be found. Gonzalo Lira & Lindsey Snell come to mind. Both on the ground in Ukraine or having recently been so. Western mainstream journalism finds itself in the same inverted flat death spin that afflicts the ‘rules based international order’. Journalism in general should not let itself be taken down with the collapse of the #EmpireOfLies.

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It is CRUCIAL for us to know the EMBEZZLING SCAM the US has done in all countries it takes over. Read the overview/exposé below - just 6 paragraphs - to see what is behind the curtain of lies they dupe us with. Information is power, and knowing what the scammers hide from us will mean we can do good OFFENSE, be effective in fighting the corrupt liars, not just keep reacting as the sociopaths keep doing their tyranny and taking everything from us.

Here is what the US criminals have done all over the world, since WW2:

1. Take over a country by coup, assassination, lies about government being corrupt or by threat or invasion so they can...

2. Implement their EMBEZZLING scam of "privatization", taking over government services & systems and national assets so the corrupt liars can handle fiat government money & BILL THE GOVERNMENT ANY AMOUNT for running such things; they provide themselves with massive exec salaries and insanely high profits, becoming oligarchs and billionaires.

3. Lie to the public ENDLESSLY to keep us duped.

4. Praise leaders who submit to US corruption & demonize leaders who RESIST or reverse it - like Putin, who reversed the US plundering done under US puppet Yeltsin, like Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela, like Gaddafi wanting things nationalized and government money going to THE PEOPLE, like Morales in Bolivia, like Assad who said NO to a US pipeline through Syria, and so on.

The demonization of both Russia and China is part of the multipronged US sabotage of the BRICS coalition since 2006. The greedy sociopathic money ADDICTS hate that those two countries are doing fair deals with other countries and helping them escape US control, corruption, privatization and loansharking.

Also, vax co's & digital ID systems to control & subjugate us are "privatized" (as are quarantine camps). The scheme was to get TRILLIONS from many govts FOREVER while arranging to squash us so we could never rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity. They tried many pandemics previously to enrich themselves with government money, this was the most coordinated one - and used the most coercion.

More specifics re "privatization" embezzling: Yes, in general a government can issue ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for anything that is physically possible; the corrupt know this and have used that knowledge to scam the public and embezzle government money. They take over government services, conning the public about "saving money" and being "more efficient", but those are lies. The costs actually become higher because the corrupt liars overbill the govt for everything, billing ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and insanely high profits. And they give us REDUCED services, because their sociopathic greed and money addiction means they take more for themselves and do not supply what they are supposed to supply for us.

Basically, the US has built a global corruption cartel, taking over countries (and their media) to EMBEZZLE from their governments. The UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand were coopted and corrupted in the 70s; the massive embezzling that ensued by taking over the many dozens of government services, support systems, assets and resources they had is what gave rise to the billionaire class in the 80s!

We need a successful INTERVENTION on the lunatic money addicts in power who lie, destroy and KILL for more "money fixes". They are totally UNFIT TO GOVERN and should face charges of dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, embezzling federal money, crimes against humanity, war crimes and more.

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Zelenskyi is so out of it, his and his boss, Kolomoskyy's paid goons in the Azov were beating up and throwing off of trains to Poland African students trying to escape the conflict, and then he expects African leaders to go against Russia. That barely made a wave in press that promotes BLM, much less the mainstream.

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@Patrick Lawrence - Aug 24 ~ 2 PM PDT

Indeed good Sir, this "head-spinning disorientation" has degenerated into what may well become a new medical acronym HSMD💭⁉{M is for media}

The journalist Lindsey Snell (with Cory Popp) is doing some very interesting and credible onsite work that you, and your readers, may well appreciate.

See: https://ishgal.com/everyones-a-little-problematic-in-ukraines-international-legion/

and https://ishgal.com/a-chance-to-kill-some-russians/

Thanks for continuing to play it straight.👍

As Usual,


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A very interesting 2017 interview of Alexandr Dugin by Alex Jones


I have never before seen Alex Jones actual video. This one contains demented short videos of Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, symbols of DNC corruption – one can see why the bipartisan US War party hates and fears Alex Jones.

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