The Russians are fighting in self-defense against the attacks from the collective west, firstly from the United States, who overthrew the government of Ukraine as the first step in their plot to destroy Russia, but also from the European lackeys of the U.S., chiefly NATO. Russia is acting in self defense exactly as Hamas in Palestine is acting in self-defense against Zionist invaders and occupiers. I support the countries defending themselves, not their invaders. I am a U.S. citizen and have had enough of the reckless and insane war mongering of my country's military-industrial-complex, which is wasting trillions of dollars on death and destruction instead of spending that money on health care, education, housing and infrastructure. What the MIC is doing is completely reprehensible.

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I totally agree! Well said!

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I am a European but l agree with all you wrote. Russia has been systematically depicted as the villian but the real villains are those pretending to be the lawmakers of the world.

But people are waking up to the lies and propaganda fed to them since childhood. Here’s to hoping enough will awaken to provoke a real change, a much needed one.

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Will someone please explain to me why the US seems to be consistently on the wrong side of history?

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Two reasons, for sure. Money and power to control.

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Sadly, you're almost certainly correct

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Well, yeah. I can't document that those are the only two reasons.

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Also because U.S. citizens know nothing about history. They are not taught history in schools. They are taught myths instead.

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Yeeesssss. It's not so much, I don't think that American kids are taught myths as much as they are taught social studies, not history

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Great history lesson! I remember reading a story, about 9 or 10 years ago in one of our local papers about a Jewish woman who was detained by the SS but allowed to live, obviously. I don't remember whether she was at Treblinka or another camp, but she said the Ukrainian SS guards were worse than the German guards and the Lithuanian SS guards were even worse in cruelty the the Ukrainian SS guards.

My question to anybody is why do so many Jewish people support the Ukonazis and other neo-nazi groups? But then again, they support the Jewish Zionists of Israel for continuing on with the Palestinian Holocaust If the ethnic cleansing of some of the European Jews during WW2 was wrong, so is the murder of Palestinian women, children, babies, and men wrong, no matter how much propaganda too many Gentiles and honest Jews have believed so far. This is why Jewish money is used to control the narrative about the peaceful college students who are protesting the calculated mass murder of Palestinians and why both mainstream political party operatives literally swear allegiance to Israel. Money talks, and the greedsters on Capital Hill have their slimy hands out, to get some of that blood money. Remember the US Navy vessel "The Liberty" that the Israeli Air Force tried to sink, killing about 43 American sailors and wounding many more, which was "hushed up" by President LBJ in 1967?

Will we ever learn anything about peace and cooperation?

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The latest news, if you haven't heard about it American hero, Scott Ritter was taken off of a plane going to Moscow, yesterday for a convention by three police officers who took his passport and escorted him out of the airport. When asked "Why?" he was told, "Orders from the State Department."

Go to rt.com and scroll down among the various articles and you'll find it. Also, I highly recommend their Shows. Better than the D.C. propaganda machine which has infected the minds of our fellow citizens.

Welcome to the Police State of America where Truth is frowned upon by the ruling oligarchs and their paid-for political hacks. George Orwell was prescient, for sure!

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A very important article. The Western media is glorifying militarism - foolish provocation of Russia at the expense of so many lives. Forgetting the historical facts of the German invasion of 1941, and the extermination of Jewish communities, with the collaboration of many, but not all, Ukrainians. Then the liberation from the Nazi regime by Russian forces from 1942- 1944.

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Wonderful reports - thank you! As a side observation, I love the extraordinary artistry and passion for memorial monuments, like the one at Savur–Mohila hill pictured at the top, or the new memorial near St. Petersburg for the victims of the Nazi genocide during the Great Patriotic War. I have had only one opportunity to visit Russia (in 2019), but I was both enchanted and moved by their monuments and statuary. History with heart, almost at every corner. And their dedication in rebuilding what the Nazis destroyed is breathtaking.

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If WW3 doesn't destroy the planet I'd love to visit Russia next year, and visit some of the kins domains which are quite impressive. They're "back to the Earth" homesteads with small groups of pioneering families helping each other build homes and start cottage industries plus organic farming and gardening with the goal of being self-sufficient and raising their children in a clean and health environment. I first read about them about 20 years ago in an article by William Kotke.

Well said, Veronica!

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For further information on the topics raised by previous comments, please read "Manufacturing Consent" by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, published by Pantheon Books in 1988, revised edition published in 2002. F. Lambert's two reasons are correct. They are at the heart of the matter, i.e., the motives of the elites. This book explains how the elites enable their activities by pulling the wool over people's eyes.

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My wife and I saw "Manufacturing Consent

" in an art house theater in the late 1980's and it was/is a real bombshell, for sure. The book (and movie)is still timely, only the calculated subterfuge and the perpetual propaganda apparatus continues to influence the average person who parrot what they see, hear and read from the corrupt "presstitutes" working for the MSM. Thanks, calcoe!

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In July, 2023, the World Socialist Web Site ran an article/interview with Stephen Wheatcroft, professorial fellow of Russian and Soviet history at the University of Melbourne, Australia and one of the world’s leading experts on the Soviet famine and Soviet economic history. Wheatcroft persuasively argued that the Ukrainian famine was a result of mismanagement/incompetence and not a deliberate plan to murder women and children..also contributing to that famine was a drought/natural not man-made disaster that afflicted much of the southwestern USSR....and that victims were not isolated to Ukraine, in fact there were a greater number of victims in other regions in the USSR. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/07/10/qutp-j10.html

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thank you very much (sigh)

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