I see no children. I see no innocence.

I see terrorised, blackmailed obedience freaks.

What is more, I see them in every one of the 5 Eyes nations plus quite a few elsewhere too.

They are obedient to a cabal of globalists who believe they have a divine right to rule.

Americans make the mistake of believing their Constitution protects them from the beasts of aristocracy..... that is such a sad illusion to witness and prevents them from fighting the real enemy.

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A few new and/or improved comments here. One. "but by fidelity to American ideology and a good nose for what plays in Peoria" The American ideology is the logic of empire. I call the attitudes required by the denizens of the Washington regime (as well as our vassals) as one that thinks of itself as the master of the universe. As you have quoted before: "It would be some time before I fully realized that the United States sees little need for diplomacy; power is enough. Two. You speak of the puerile name calling by various members of the Washington regime. This is a demonstration of the low quality of the members of the regime. They are, after all, trying to insult these people. As an insult calling someone a thug, a war criminal, etc not only pales by comparison to a real insult (Lady Astor to Winston Churchill) If you were my husband, I'd put poison in your tea. Churchill - if you were my wife, I would drink it, but it also highlights their lack of self awareness that highlights all of their very real war crimes in Vietnam, Panama, Serbia, Bosnia, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Iran (not to mention Central and South America). Three. Obama was neither any different nor any better for all he spent some of his youth overseas. It was on Obama's watch that we fomented the coup in the Ukraine and we started murdering American citizens without the least fig leaf for the constitutionally required due process. And finally, I disagree that it started in 2001. I'm not sure when it did start but we stopped talking to the other countries in this world and we started tell 'em what it be like earlier than that.

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JH - I agree this attitude started well before 2001. I would put the modern version as starting after the fall of the Soviet Union when the US no longer had a peer competitor. As for the pre-modern version, well, it goes back to the Monroe Doctrine claiming the entire Western Hemisphere as our sphere of influence, and of course, Manifest Destiny and the land grab from coast to coast from Mexico and our indigenous natives.

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The American dream is that shining city on the hill, the end of history, but reality is to its very core, a function of tension and balance. There isn't even any physical reality, even strings, just this balance between positive and negative charge.

We are linear, goal oriented creatures in a cyclical, circular, feedback generated reality, stuck somewhere between the centripetal dynamic of synchronization and the centrifugal effect of harmonization. Organisms and ecosystems, nodes and networks, particles and fields. The anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgement. Heart and head.

The bull is power.

The matador is art.

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I had a friend in Tehran by the name of Paul who left before his contract was up, saying I'm a 60 cycle guy in a 50 cycle world.

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I guess I know the feeling, but I'm more of a 10 cycle guy in a 50 cycle world.

Though that might just be because a lot of the internal gears are stripped and I'm running a thousand.

As Emerson said, "We are but thickened light."

Light is quick. Better the light, than just heat.

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Silly sods. I cannot imagine a more pernicious human being than Hillary Clinton. Excellent piece, very well written.

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LMAO. I refer to her as Three Names. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Aside from being arrogant and incompetent, she wants all three names in there. Even today, at 72, if I hear Jeffrey Peter Harrison, I momentarily panic because with rare exception, the only person to use all three of my names was my old man when he was pissed and I knew my ass was grass. Obviously Three Names didn't get enough discipline as a child.

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Heck, I sometimes go all three names, the Jr and the address, because there are various John Merryman's around northern Baltimore county and my father is still better known than I am. At 62.

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Ya three names, I like.

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Spoiled children, who have gotten their way and only their way, for far too long.

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Biden’s brain just recycles his tough-talk from his heyday leading the charge for the mass incarceration economy: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/03/07/politics/biden-1993-speech-predators/index.html

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I think you have it backward. It's not infantile, so much as it's senility. Infants might not have much knowledge, but they are curious and vital. This is neither curiosity nor vitality, simply a system congealing around basic needs and wants.

Frankly it began with Reagan, but Reagan had the advantage of dealing with an adversary further along the process of decline, leaving his administration to look vital. Even though it required living off the credit cards.

The Russians had a serious reality check, with the fall of the Soviet Union and now we are heading toward our own reality check.

When what was vital becomes disattached from the underlaying organic source of its vitality, it becomes a scab and while we want to pick at it and it irritates, it is part of a natural cycle of regeneration. So some effort has to be given to considering what comes next. Is it further decline, corruption and decay, or can something be born of it?

In the not too distant future, Eurasia, as well as Africa and South America, are going to come to come to terms with the US no longer being top dog and will move onto other arrangements.

The issue then becomes, what happens in the US? When the dollar breaks down, likely states will have to issue forms of local currencies, leading to a breaking down of the Federal system. Which implies various forms of junior Trumps, appealing to local aspirations.

Meantime our intellectual class has to come to terms with the fact they have sold their souls to the various hustlers on the left, in order to keep their paychecks and were drug down into the mud as well.

It there something that can grow in this situation, or does it just go to the oligarchs, warlords, cartels and gangs?

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My thanks to all those commenting.

John, I just 10 minutes ago had this very conversation. I stay with "infantile." One, the phenomenon predates Biden's arrival at 1600 by 21 years. He's not the author. Two, senility is of course the correct diagnosis, so far as one can make out, but this does not at all cancel out Biden's infantalism.

For RJF: I recall concluding as the determination was made on the 2000 election: This nation is no longer capable of self-correction. With you on this point.

My dear Harrison, yes, the logic of empire. Catering to the sensibilities of... let me try this... Peorians is a mere function, the selling of empire being an obvious and always necessity.

Best to all. Thak you for redaing and commenting.

Onward and--we must always try--upward.


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RJF does make the essential observation. We are not going to save, or educate this paradigm, only plan for the next. How many layers need peeling, to effectively reset?

I suspect more than most are willing to consider, so the crumbling will continue.

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"Given such irritability of Mr Biden, his fatigue, sometimes forgetfulness, which leads to aggressive statements, we will not give sharp assessments so as not to cause more aggression", Peskov said when asked whether the Kremlin regarded it as a prerequisite for breaking off diplomatic relations with the United States.

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No, nothing good comes of this, rebirth is not coming, America is no longer capable of regenerating itself, regulatory capture makes America strictly mercantilist.

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I think in its current itineration. America is only 250 years of growth, while the countries in the Old World have thousands of years of ups and downs. We are just getting a little character building coming our way.

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Which I suppose makes Patrick right. As a country, we are infantile. It's just the leadership that's ossified.

"Change happens one funeral at a time."

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Wow, talk about hitting the nail on the head!

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I was looking back at The Bush (Jr) Doctrine which astounded me when I visited his Presidential Library in Dallas six years ago. The ugliness of it - framed and hanging from one of the walls - apart from the fact that it was a library with scarcely a book anywhere to be found - just lots of big photos or his quotes printed large also hanging to further help cover up the walls! Astounding!

1. Take the Fight to the Enemy (i.e. attack first)

2. Make No Distinction Between Terrorists and the Nations that Harbor Them

3. Confront Threats Before They Fully Emerge

4. Advance Freedom.

It all adds up to state-sanctioned thuggery/bullying - blaming everyone for the sins of one - in my understanding. Proudly hanging on the wall in the Bush Jr Presidential Library. Along with a replica of the President's Office and the Rose Garden outside! Giving it Presidential imprimatur!

Infantile imperialism currently with the name-calling! How well you have described it Patrick!

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Cheney's hand puppet. Like Hunter, his only real claim was his father. Not the brightest crayon in the box.

Given his history, those don't even sound like his thoughts, just mimicking the neocons.

Remember, "Everyone wants to go to Bagdad, real men want to go to Tehran."

Just so long as they don't have to leave the conference room.

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We have to pull together the “serious people”in the US and around the world to call for a new security and development architecture, which is the only solution to the existential crisis we are facing. Please see and sign the Schiller Institute Petition calling for an international conference to make this happen:https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/convoke_an_international_conference_to_establish_a_new_security_and_development_architecture_for_all_nations

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Thanks, John. Of course you are right - not his words - merely put into his lips to read aloud! The entire library in Dallas was full of schmaltz and how "Daddy" was such a jokester! Really quite a sad presentation of a man who was eight years President of the US.

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