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But I look at Gaza and I give up hope. How can people be reduced to an animal state as the result of the gross negligence of their leaders? Or, was it by the years of horrid policies of hate driven by tribalism , both Semitic, and greed at every level. Greed for power locally and geopolitically. Driven by a desire for oil, religious zealotry and political supremacy.

And the children, mothers and elderly petting their dogs and cats be damned!

How do the individuals become meaningless? Are they not just like you and me? Smaller, darker. taller , more gorgeous, loving , hating, families, clans seeking only enough to get by, like most of us, only with less. But they do have love, affection, understanding, filial bonds, neighborhood interests, business interests…and politics. Where men, almost always men, jockey for power to help their kin, their constituencies and often themselves.

And as they seek power they somehow get the notion that their position of power need be extended, that greed for control somehow more paramount than their initial need to protect their own. A woman looks to protect and nurture, a man to control and manipulate.

And so, was it the recklessness of Hamas leadership(nearly all male) when they chose to break the peace and unleash an unanticipated murderous rage upon Israeli civilians. Or was it an Israeli government (almost all male) ruse, as some contend, a withdrawal of forces from the border between Israel and Gaza timed to provoke an attack, perhaps anticipated, such that a small loss of life, not the slaughter that ensued, would allow a controlled response. And if so, why do men think they can predict and control the mob once unleashed?

And so I lose hope in a time of great disruption. A time where greed reigns beside the arrogance of man. We’ll go to Mars!, but only after we blunder into endless war over the chase for oil(power).

And the only certainty is the certainty born out by the preceding centuries and millenniums of man's planned, controlled slaughter for power. And the hubris of men is the one constant.

And I give up hope that slaughter is avoidable.

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