Congratulations to Gustavo Petro, and whole lot of good luck - at best, to get any of his program and policies enacted, or at worst - to simply stay alive.

The whole Colombian elite (comprador) class will do everything possible to frustrate any and all of his moves, so that in the end of the term he will show exactly nothing and voters will be tired of gridlock and endless bickering and throw him out at next turn. Especially tough will be do reform the Colombian military, a brutal, borderline genocidal right-wing force trained in the notorious "School of Americas".

In my view, his only chance is once in power execute some sort of internal institutional coup, replace big part of the high officers and top civil servants otherwise he will be overthrown or neutralized.

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If the American elite had two brains to rub together, they'd spend a couple of months reading Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire as well as some Suetonius and Tacitus and others. Rome was a far more effective and stable empire than the American empire has ever been. Having done the reading for you, I can suggest some reasons. For the most part, being conquered by Rome was not all bad. They didn't care about your religion and they really didn't care about your government as long as you did two things. Paid your annual tribute and provided troops for Rome's imperial wars which they needed to get more tribute to fund Rome, its circuses, its grandiose architecture, and its lifestyle.

Listen up, regime in Washington.

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Jun 22, 2022·edited Jun 22, 2022

I cheer any country that can eke out even small victories against our covert and overt "rules based order." It is not surprising the administration hasn't reached out to congratulate Petro in this clear win for democracy. I'm sure they are having a conniption fit for loosing their long-held grasp on Columbia. Money and influence will covertly pour into Zapateiro and his ilk to upset the people's will. I just hope Petro isn't assassinated even before he gets a chance to try to implement his plans.

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The danger is that bipartisan US War party will do everything to defeat them. FL governor Desantis already went on attack.

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Unfortunately the US has already proven to the World what a complete and unethical, immoral and violent belligerant it is. Not a nation to join your coat tails to unless you are willing to follow the rats as the ship sinks!

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Which unfortunately exactly where Australia, too, has been - I hope now disentangling itself towards sovereignty??

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If you think that the United States will not hesitate to coup or invade any satraps that get out of line, read Ian Welsh on the subject.


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While reading this excellent essay on the turning tide towards sovereignty from US hegemonic control of important Latin American countries (Mexico and central-South America) I could not help but think - hope - that Australia's turning away from obeisance to the US commands might also now be underway with the change from far right LNP Pentecultist Morrison-led government to Centre/centre-left Albanese led government from just a month back. Thanks for this heartening read/analysis, Patrick!

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Don't hold your breath. The US will execute another 1975-style soft coup if Australia starts to act sovereign.

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FF: Indeed - it lies within my range of thinking at all times (I was 26 in 1975) - in fact so much funding of ASPI and other tertiary sector institutes and of course Murdoch and other commercial media is infected with US "largesse" that questions of sovereignty and ethics are moot. Let alone the military and drone/spy installations make a mockery of Australia as "independent" - the sucking of our taxation money out of public education and public health and First Australians programs - to service US shareholders in WMD profits is criminal - tribute to the warmongers of the world! And Julian Assange! What a bloody ugly mob - US vengeance for truth-telling!

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I don't see Albanese turn into another Whitlam, but I would love to be proven wrong.

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To answer your question:


Albanese is going to the NATO summit "to support Ukraine". Not a peep about Assange.

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Color me surprised. Sounds like yet another spineless western "leader" - not even able or willing to do the very basic steps to protect their citizens. However, watch if any AU mercenary gets caught doing his "Russian safari" in Ukraine how they will cry to high heaven about "humanitarian concerns".

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