Federal taxes we pay do not "pay for" the Genocide, or the weaponry Israel and the US use to carry out their crimes. The money is created by government. This is nicely illustrated by the insistence that anything that benefits regular people is slapped down with the declaration that "we" don't have the money for it (we most certainly do) while the military and war budget is forwarded and increased every year, with no politician ever getting up with charts and "facts" showing how "we can't afford" the huge war outlays. That war budget is approved with virtually no protests, and the Congress then passes it. Done.

A much better idea is a voter's strike. No voting until some non-negotiable demands are met. But I'm afraid we're past the point of no return in this country. A revolution is inevitable.

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I agree with what you said Tim, as there is always ample money for the perpetual war machine but hardly enough for we the people and building a healthy infrastructure. Unless I talk to the wrong people, most of the ones I do communicate with drank the Kool-Aid mixture of pure propaganda they hear and about in the big corporate news agencies who know where their bread is buttered, and our "politicians" who support the military-industrial-complex police state and are paid "under the table" by the AIPAC group of thugs have permitted the Palestinian Holocaust to continue on, and now, the initial start of the Lebanese Holocaust Israel has begun. Both of these extermination tactics go unpunished, so far by the bogus "international community" who seem to be afraid to stand up to the extermination going on over there.

As Mayer Amschel of the House of Rothschild (the world's wealthiest family) knew, back in the early 1800's, once you control of a nation's money supply and the ability to print it, you could care less who is in office or in power. Words to that effect. The United States, England Israel, and the vassal nations they manipulate have no backbone or moral courage to stand up to that diabolical trio, so we can write comments until the cow jumps over the moon, but so far, except for the student protests at various colleges, the Holocaust goes on.

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