Aug 31Liked by Cara MariAnna

Amazing story of the corruption and venality of the occupiers—whether they are 'legal' or not, the 1948 UN land allocation to the Zionists was a travesty, and in my lights, most of the Jews in Palestine are invaders.

Nevertheless, I would make an important quibble about the use of the word 'Arab'. Zionists like to use that term for the Arabic speaking Palestinians because it makes them seem to be outsiders, interlopers, people who came from somewhere else. To call a Palestinian 'Arab' makes him or her into "the Other," and thus it is easy to deprive Palestinians of their human rights as they don't belong.

The Arab Conquest that brought Arabic culture and language as well as Islam to West Asia and beyond was never a settler project. It was simply a conquest. The people in Palestine today have been there for millennia, Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Of course, 'Arab' referring to language is quite appropriate.

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The Palestinian people I met, Muslims and Christians alike, refer to themselves as Arabs. That was my experience everywhere I went. They are Arabic by language and culture, which are rich and diverse. Thank you for your comment.

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Now we begin to understand the underlying reasons for the terrible violence of Hamas against the Israeli people. What can someone do when the actions taken against them and the unlawful theft of their lands and businesses is approved by a corrupt Israeli court? Well can you imagine the desperation Hamas felt? Nothing condones daely violence against innocents but at least we now know it was provocated over decades!

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Aug 31Liked by Cara MariAnna

I think of Hamas as the 'tip of the spear' of Palestinian resistance; also, "terrible violence" is surely an exaggeration by the Zionist authorities to cover up their own murder under the aegis of the Hannibal Directive that killed many Israelis and also to justify their long-planned extermination.

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Aug 31Liked by Cara MariAnna

Thanks, Cara, for another great piece!

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Tim, your comment is gratefully received.

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Aug 30Liked by Cara MariAnna

Nazi Zionist Israel is a criminal entity that must be destroyed.

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All apartheid states are illegitimate. Many would agree that Israel has sealed its own fate. I hear all the time now that Israel isn't going to last. Thanks for reading and commenting.

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Aug 31Liked by Cara MariAnna

You are obviously a woman of kind, humane heart, doing what you can in response to the insane cruelty of the Zionist Nazis, for the innocent children of Gaza and the West Bank. I admire you and commend you.

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Aug 31Liked by Cara MariAnna

Thank you for this piece.

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Aug 31Liked by Cara MariAnna

Cara, Cara, Cara, You write from the heart of the matter, with compassion as well as intellectual narratives and we faithful readers of your columns I think, would agree with that statement.

Speaking for myself though, a life-long defender of Jewish people whom I thought were guilty of Gentile prejudice - but not knowing why, until I started doing research, after 9-11, and the Master Plan of the Zionists and the secretive Rothschilds of Europe and their brethren on WAll Street and the Federal Reserve banksters and getting us into world wars and indebtedness, both individually, and nationally, and always portraying the Jewish people as perpetual victims since Pharaoh chased them out of Egypt thousands of years ago and why the Messiah which the Hebrews were supposedly waiting for, denied Him, Emmanuel, aka Jesus Christ, as he was against Selfishness and Arrogance, which became their branded trademark, but for sure, not all Jewish people, as many are just as upset with the Jewish Nazis in Israel and the U.S and Western European governments as are Gentiles.

Contrary to the Hollywood and European melodramas of the Second World War, and for the many detainees in the infamous austerity camps and enhanced labor facilities, whom the Waffen S S security guards allowed to live, along with the other ethnic Gentile inmates which usually aren't mentioned in the films or documentaries, it looks like the Jewish people were the biggest winners of WWII and now people don't question my sanity too much anymore when I say that, except for the low-information folks or dumbed down Christian Zionists who believe the bizarre "teaching" (indoctrination) of those false and maybe pail shills of the AIPAC Lobby (?) who tell me I'm "anti-Semitic!"

No, I don't condone the "Final Solution" or the firing squads and for that matter, murdering anybody, except in self-defense or protect one's family and others from a would be killer or killers.

What disturbs me the most is how the world is aloof and does nothing to stop the Holocaust in Palestine! Utterly disgusting!

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Thanks, Frank. I haven't done the reading you have but it is clear that Israel is entirely illegitimate and needs to be dissolved/dismantled.

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It amazes me that Mr. Dajani, and millions of Palestinians, still consider themselves "under the protection of God." Is there no Voltaire in Islam?

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Hello, Philip. This is an interesting comment to me. I am an atheist and I marveled at the courage and strength of the Palestinian Christians and Muslims I met. I cannot believe in a god but I found that those in Palestine who do are for the most part much better for it. Faith sustains them and hate does not seem to reside in their hearts. Anger yes, but hate no. No one, not one person, expressed any hatred towards Jews or Judaism. And I find that a miracle.

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The ZIONISTZATION of Jerusalem. They kill Jews, Christians, and Buddhists along with Muslims. Shame and disgust. Israel has lost the right to exist in Palestine.

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