À propos of nothing really - Bellingham is a sister-city to (among others) Port Stephens in NSW where my wife and I lived and taught the latter half of the 1980s/first early years of the 1990s. It is also the birthplace of poet/writer - now domiciled with his Ay=ustralian wife in southern Tasmania - David Mason - noted for a verse novel on the Ludlow Massacre as well News from The Village out of his time living as a neighbour to Patrick Leigh Fermor in the village of Kardamyli - south about 25 km from Kalamata in the greek Peloponnese. A cousin in BC has cousins in Bellingham. Small world... Jim (And best wishes with the visit to Palestine). I want to attach an image here but if I can't I'll send it otherwise - it's the tend/Users/jamesskable/Desktop/428627012_10160567176043962_5035385737348645643_n.jpgerest of images - gained from FB via an artist/writer friend who can't recall where he found it...

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This is a commendable and brave project. Hope to put toward it soon when able. Given how dangerous Gaza is and especially for journalists, please make sure to be safe doing this, too!

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