What the Israeli soldier said, “I am above God”, says it all!

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Reminds me of the late, true liberal, novelist Kurt Vonnegut, an infantryman in WW2 who, picking up a belt buckle off of a dead German soldier, was inscribed, in German, of course, "God is on our side." Words to that effect.

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You still can't beat the Israelis for hubris and arrogance, though Anglos come in a very close second.

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The last line - Zionist Israelis have lost their humanity, not Palestinians, seems exactly right.

Thank you for this report.

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Excellent reporting, Cara, as sad and tragic as it is. The real tragedy is the continuation of the Palestinian Holocaust which the so-called "international community" has been comfortably complacent with letting it happen, in spite of the blatant disregard for international law and any shred of decency by the demonic Zionists who believe some mythical god chose them to rule the world. And most importantly is a lack of honest reporting by the big corporate media conglomerates, which are told not to make the Israelis look like the bad guys they really are, for fear of being called anti-semitic. Thank Harry S. Truman for lobbying the UN to create Israel on Palestinian land because he needed Jewish money for his presidential campaign in 1948, a year which "will go down in infamy!"

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What's the I.O.F.? I.D.F.?

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Israeli Occupation Force. The term is increasingly used because the Israeli army is not defensive. In Gaza it's a genocidal force. In the West Bank it is an illegal occupying force.

As a related thought: Some writers and commentators are refusing to use the words "Israel" or "Israeli" because doing so is a way of legitimizing a racist, Jewish supremacist, apartheid state. Many Palestinians refer to the land stolen during the Nakba and currently under Zionist occupation as the "48 lands."

Thanks for your question. Next time I will be sure to spell it out before using the acronym.

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